
Fertility Treatment Brisbane

Dr Sharon Li’s state-of-the-art clinic provides fertility treatment in a compassionate and supportive environment.

Dr Li understands the frustration and often loneliness couples experience when they’re unable to conceive. Sometimes, a little helping hand is needed to achieve the dream of having a baby. If you’re seeking fertility treatment, you’re not alone; a staggering one in six couples experience infertility.

I want to help any woman or man, who want to become parents and are struggling with infertility, to explore all their options.

When you undergo fertility treatment with Dr Sharon Li, you will receive the highest standard of fertility treatment available in a caring and compassionate environment. As a member of City Fertility Centre of Australia, Dr Sharon Li ensures that you start your journey with the best possible chance of success. Dr Sharon Li and her expert team are here every step of the way, from conception through to birth of your little one.

Infertility testing and diagnosis

Our dedicated clinic is equipped with the resources to perform a thorough medical assessment and investigate any underlying problems that may be impairing your ability to fall pregnant.

Our fertility investigations may include:

  • Thorough analysis of any pre-existing medical problems
  • Blood tests (hormonal essays and thyroid studies)
  • Ovulation assessment (temperature chat, urine or saliva ovulation kit, day 21 progesterone)
  • Ultrasound scan to assess ovarian function,
  • Semen analysis
  • Laparoscopy to assess tubal patency, endometriosis & pelvic adhesions

Infertility management

Infertility management of diagnosed conditions will be a customised plan. This may include a single or combination of treatments, including:

  • Laparoscopy diathermy or resection endometriosis and adhesiolysis
  • Ovulation induction
  • Intrauterine insemination
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm insemination (ICSI)

Fertility Clinic Brisbane

Begin your journey to pregnancy knowing you’re in experienced hands with Brisbane’s leading fertility clinic.

For more information about fertility so you can make an informed decision about your reproductive health or to request a private appointment, please contact us.