Female Infertility

Female Infertility Brisbane & Gold Coast

30% of infertility cases are due to the female

It is important to remember that even if you are doing everything right, it may still take a while to fall pregnant. Dr Sharon Li offers a wide range of fertility services that could help increase your chances of getting pregnant.

What are common causes of infertility in females?

Causes of infertility in women are varied and involve a combination of factors. Understanding why you may be experience infertility problems takes a little research. Some things you think about are:

This a disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can affect the function of the uterus and fallopian tubes which may leads to fertility problems in women. Due to the distortion of the anatomy, the fallopian tubes can get blocked resulting in the sperm unable to reach the egg. There can be scarring to the fallopian tubes.

When women do not ovulate properly and have irregular periods, it makes conceiving much more difficult. It is harder to know your natural cycle which means it is difficult to calculate your ovulation dates and the window when you are most fertile. This makes ovulation tracking, which women usually start trying, is an ineffective method.

  • Blocked fallopian tube

If your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, your partner’s sperm will be unable to reach the egg. In addition, if the the egg does get fertilised if the tube is blocked then the fertilised egg is not able to travel down to the uterus. Blocked tubes can be caused by a variety of reasons, however, Dr Sharon Li will diagnose it with various tests.

The tests Dr Sharon usually performs to your fallopian tubes to check for blockage and/or adhesions to the endometrium include; laparoscopy, hysterosalpingogram (dye test) or a saline sonohysterogram.

  • Anovulation

This is when a woman does not ovulate or release an egg. This is a common cause of infertility as the woman has very irregular periods or no period at all. Causes of anovulation includes, PCOS , low or high body weight, thyroid problems and hormonal imbalances.

For a more comprehensive list of medical causes of fertility in females, visit City Fertility Centre.

Other causes of female infertility:

  • Age

As we age, our ovaries age too. Once a woman reaches 35, her fertility starts to decline. At 40 the conception rate is estimated to be in the range of 5% a month, which decreases again at 43.  Women who are over 35 years of age and have been trying to fall pregnant for six months or more without success, need to seek medical advice.

Miscarriage rates also begin to increase as a woman ages. This is due to an increased proportion of abnormal eggs being released. Men over the age of 38 can also be an independent risk for miscarriage.

  • Your fertility window (biological clock)

The days leading up to ovulation are the days you are most fertile, meaning there is a greater chance of getting pregnant when having sexual intercourse at this time. Realising your optimum days of ovulation can increase the chances of getting pregnant. Check out the ovulation tracking page for more information.

  • Your diet and lifestyle

The things you eat and your lifestyle all affect your reproductive health. Lifestyle modifications can help you can maximise your chances of conception by doing simple things like altering your alcohol & caffeine consumption, losing body weight and changing smoking habits.

  • Sperm

A common cause of infertility in females is actually due to the male partner.

Female Infertility Brisbane & Gold Coast

If you are still experiencing fertility problems after a year of unprotected intercourse, before the age of 35, or have been trying for longer than 6 months after the age of 35, then you can seek medical advice. Dr Sharon Li works with City Fertility Centre to find out more information or talk about the fertility services on offer.