Morpheus8 Body®

Morpheus8 Body Brisbane & Gold Coast

What is Morpheus8 Body®?

Morpheus8 Body® is the first and only FDA cleared technology to provide deep 8mm subdermal adipose tissue remodeling. With a unique large surface tip consisting of a matrix of 40 thin gold-coated microneedles, and a thermal profile of 7mm + an additional heat profile of 1mm, Morpheus8 Body® can be programmed to quickly treat large tissue areas at the deepest levels of RF available.

Equipped with Burst mode RF technology, Morpheus8 Body® automatically deploys bipolar RF energy to multi-level treatment depths in a single cycle. The ability to target tissue sequentially at three levels, in millisecond intervals, allows for a significant reduction in treatment times, minimizes skin injury, increases treatment uniformity, and enables customized full body fractional procedures.

InMode Morpheus8 Body Handpiece From: InMode | MedEsthetics


2-5 Days

30-60 minutes

What to expect from Morpheus8 Body®:

Prior to your Morpheus8 Body® treatment, you will be provided pre-treatment instructions. This can also be found below within ‘Morpheus8 Body Treatment Details’. You will arrive to your appointment with cleansed skin and Dr Sharon Li will prepare the treatment area. A topical anaesthetic is applied to the skin 30-40 minutes prior to commencing the procedure to assist any discomfort during the Morpheus8 Body® treatment. If required, a nerve block can be applied to sensitive areas of the treatment area or a Penthrox inhaler can be administered for an additional cost.

The Morpheus8 Body® handpiece will be passed over the skin, allowing a series of insulated microneedles to deliver radiofrequency energy into the skin. Using of multiple depth settings, this process aim to treat each layer of the skin, including the deeper layers and resurface the upper layers.

Morpheus8 Body® treatments are usually well-tolerated by patients, and you should expect to feel little discomfort during the procedure. Expect your treatment to take around 30 to 60 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.

Your skin will appear red and feel tight directly after your treatment.

What can Morpheus8 Body® do?

  • Tightens the skin
  • Liquifies fat
  • Improves cellulite
  • Reduces the appearance of stretch marks and hypertrophic caesarean scars
  • Improves “rippled” skin
  • Evens out skin texture

Interested in more information about the treatment of keloid scars? Read more here.

What areas can be treated?

  • Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Bra roll
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Above the knees
  • Flanks
  • Anywhere post liposuction

Interested in Morpheus8 for your face or neck? Read more here.


You should start to see noticeable improvement in skin tone and texture within a few days after treatment. Your skin will continue to improve, gradually becoming tighter and smoother over a period of 3 months as your body creates new collagen-rich tissue.

Morpheus8 Body treatments usually requiring a maintenance treatment 1-2 times a year for prolonged results. Depending on the strength of your treatment, a single treatment or a series of 3-4 treatments may be recommended to achieve optimal results.


For clinical papers regarding Morpheus8 technology and applications, go here.

Stretch Marks

What are Stretch Marks?

Also known as ‘Striae Distensae’ or ‘Striae Gravidarum’, stretch marks are a common form of scarring that occurs on the skin when it shrinks or enlarges over a short period of time. When the skin cannot adapt quickly enough to support rapid growth, narrow lines or white streaks may appear on the skin. These marks often have an off-colour hue and may be light pink or purple in colour.

Several factors can be the source of stretch marks, including fluctuating hormone levels, pregnancy and rapid weight gain/loss. Stretch marks most commonly appear on the stomach, breast, thighs, arms, lower back and hips. They tend to initially appear red, purple or pink, and they may feel raised and itchy. Similar to any scar, it is very rare for stretch marks to disappear completely on their own. However, they may fade with the right treatment.

How can Morpheus8 Body treat Stretch Marks?

Morpheus8 Body is an advanced treatment, which combines radio frequency and microneedling, to remodel and smooth damaged or uneven skin. The Morpheus8 penetrates the skin and creates subdermal micro-wounds, while simultaneously sending RF energy from the handpiece to enhance the healing process.

Prior to the treatment, local anaesthetic is applied to the injury site. Subsequently, Dr Li utilises the Morpehus8 Prime hand piece to treat the scar. For optimum results, we recommend 2-4 treatments, spaced 3-4 weeks apart.

Morpheus8 Body Treatment Details

Prior to scheduling your treatment, you will require an initial consultation with Dr Sharon Li to discuss your concerns and aesthetic  goals. Dr Li will advise a tailored treatment plan.

Please ensure you follow the provided pre-treatment instructions to ensure your skin has a suitable base for treatment.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Advise the patient to avoid skin irritation or intentional skin tanning. Sun-screen is advisable when outdoors during daylight hours.
  • The patient should discontinue any irritant topical agents for 2-3 days prior to treatment such as AHA, BHA, Retinol.
  • The patient should used prescribed cosmecuticals to prep the skin such as Tyrosinase Inhibitors for minimum of 2-3 weeks (face and Body).
  • A topical aesthetic should be used only as directed by a physician and if suitable for the patient.
  • Advise the patient to avoid anticoagulants such as aspirin throughout the treatment regimen if medical condition permits and pertinent to physician approval. Anticoagulants/ Fish oil increase the possibility of bruising.
  • Physician prescribed Acyclovir (zovirax) or antiviral for prophylaxis prior to treatment if needed.

Please arrive to your appointment with cleansed skin. Before Morpheus8 Body treatment, a topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area. You should feel little discomfort during the procedure, however most patients find this tolerable due to the numbing agent applied. If required, a nerve block can be applied to sensitive areas of the treatment area or a Penthrox inhaler can be administered for an additional cost.

The treatment itself is minimally invasive, using a series of medical-grade micro pins to penetrate your skin in a controlled manner and deliver fractional Radio Frequency (RF) energy to the deeper skin layers. Your skin will appear red and feel tight directly after your treatment.

We strongly recommend the use of Stratacel Gel post-treatment. This can be purchased from our clinic for $60.00 and Dr Li will apply directly after your Morephus8 treatment. Stratacel Gel allows the skin to recover faster, significantly reducing the patient downtime.

The downtime is typically 2-5 days, with some mild redness and swelling for the first two days as well as some temporary small dotted marks from the microneedling. Tiny scabs, or micro lesions, are also common during this time. Patients should moisturise the treatment area and avoid direct sun exposure, using SPF 50+ sunscreen every day.

Morpheus8 Body is generally a low-downtime procedure and many of our patients return to work the day after treatment. Please ensure you follow the provided post-treatment instructions following your Morpheus8 Body.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid heat inducing activities for 24-48 hours post treatment (avoid hot baths, massage, sun and UV exposure, scratching, excessive sweating, etc).
  • All mechanical and thermal exposure to the treated area must be avoided.
  • Emollient cream or occlusive dressings, antibiotic cream or ointment may be applied to the treatment area.
  • Avoid perfumed creams/ moisturiser for 24 – 48 hours.
  • Discontinue use of over stimulating active ingredients on the treatment area from days 5- 7 days (AHA, BHA, Retinol).
  • Antihistamine can be used to aid itchy skin in healing phase.
  • Bland basic cleanser moisturiser or clinic recommended post procedure cream/ serum /SPF ONLY for first 1-3 days (ie: Strata cell/ derm/ HA Serum).
  • Avoid touching the treatment area post Morpheus8 until micro wounds have closed and inflammation has subsided.
  • Prophylactic antibiotic treatment may be prescribed for 1 – 3 days post treatment.
  • Topical Antibiotic cream is recommended for Acne patient.
  • Superficial or resurfacing treatments may result in micro crusts (MENDS) appearing 1-3 days post fractional RF treatment and lasting up to 14 days.
  • Resurfacing tip will result is small dots ‘MENDS’ on the skin, this is normal and the micro scabs will fall off as the skin cells turn over ** this may give a slight darkening appearance on skin fitzpatrick 3 and higher.
  • Do not pick or pull at micro scabs, keep the skin hydrated to assist healing.
  • Cold compresses may be used if required

Morpheus8 Body FAQs

After your treatment, there is little to no discomfort, although you may experience some redness, small bumps or dots, and/or itchiness in the treatment area(s) is possible. Most patients can resume their normal activities within 24-48 hours, though this varies depending on the area, intensity of treatment, and individual treatment plan. Dr Sharon Li will give you more personalised specifications at the consultation.

You should start to see noticeable improvement in skin tone and texture within a few days after treatment. Your skin will continue to improve, gradually becoming tighter and smoother over a period of 3 months as your body creates new collagen-rich tissue.

Morpheus8 Body Brisbane & Gold Coast

To find out more about Morpheus8  Body, or to book an appointment, please contact us.